
UPVC electrical pipes and fittings in accordance with the national standard ISIRI 7271-4 and INSO 11215-21 and the international standard IEC61386-21


Anti-flammability in accordance with the requirements of topic 13 of the National Building Regulations - very high resistance to impact and double-widening - reducing costs and waste in the implementation of facilities - no need for plastering and cement coating - extraordinary resistance at low temperatures


Can be used in building electrical installations


It can be used in building electrical installations, polished surface and increased speed of execution - the possibility of distinguishing and separating different parts of building electrical installations - variety of colors and the possibility of tracing the wiring route in large construction projects such as smart or hospital projects

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UPVC electrical pipes and fittings in accordance with the national standard ISIRI 7271-4 and INSO 11215-21 and the international standard IEC61386-21


Anti-flammability in accordance with the requirements of topic 13 of the National Building Regulations - very high resistance to impact and double-widening - reducing costs and waste in the implementation of facilities - no need for plastering and cement coating - extraordinary resistance at low temperatures


Can be used in building electrical installations


It can be used in building electrical installations, polished surface and increased speed of execution - the possibility of distinguishing and separating different parts of building electrical installations - variety of colors and the possibility of tracing the wiring route in large construction projects such as smart or hospital projects

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