UPVC electrical pipes and fittings in accordance with the national standard ISIRI 7271-4 and INSO 11215-21 and the international standard IEC61386-21
Anti-flammability in accordance with the requirements of topic 13 of the National Building Regulations - very high resistance to impact and double-widening - reducing costs and waste in the implementation of facilities - no need for plastering and cement coating - extraordinary resistance at low temperatures
Can be used in building electrical installations
It can be used in building electrical installations, polished surface and increased speed of execution - the possibility of distinguishing and separating different parts of building electrical installations - variety of colors and the possibility of tracing the wiring route in large construction projects such as smart or hospital projects
UPVC electrical pipes and fittings in accordance with the national standard ISIRI 7271-4 and INSO 11215-21 and the international standard IEC61386-21
Anti-flammability in accordance with the requirements of topic 13 of the National Building Regulations - very high resistance to impact and double-widening - reducing costs and waste in the implementation of facilities - no need for plastering and cement coating - extraordinary resistance at low temperatures
Can be used in building electrical installations
It can be used in building electrical installations, polished surface and increased speed of execution - the possibility of distinguishing and separating different parts of building electrical installations - variety of colors and the possibility of tracing the wiring route in large construction projects such as smart or hospital projects
Today, this company has achieved a prominent position in the UPVC pipe industry in the country, earning numerous certificates of appreciation in this field.
The widespread use of this company’s products in most provinces and various organizations across the country, including water and sewage, telecommunications, the Ministry of Agriculture, housing and urban development organizations, mass constructors, and other consumers of pipes for various specialized applications, as well as significant exports to neighboring countries, testify to the success of this manufacturing enterprise.
Baharestan 31 St, 24metri 10th St, Kaj Blvd, Khezrabad Industrial Park,
Unit 680, Floor 7, Bahar Trade Tower, First of South Bahar St, Enghelab Ave
All rights of this site are reserved and belong to Yazdpoolica Group.